A Good Explanation of a Very Serious Matter

Theosis is the concept of God consenting to share  Himself with human beings – in real time.  This is the true purpose of our lives.  As St. Seraphim states, “The purpose of Christian life is the acclimation of the Holy Spirit“.  I’m willing to bet that not too many people are worried about this – and as such this is a (second) death sentence.

Being made in God’s Image, we were created to live – not exist, in the Sharing of His Essence and to have ongoing Communion with Our God and Our Creator – God our Father!  Not meant to be separated by the curse of Adam, nor in servitude to the ways of the World to where we have fallen.  In Jesus Christ and His death-conquering Sacrifice, God became Man so that Man can become God.  To Glorify Him in the Orthodox Tradition is now our Mandate.  For that, we have a path to eternal life.

This 17 minute video is a modern day treatment of the subject.  It is well produced and worth your time.

Or you can watch it on YouTube here: